6 Steps Structured Approach to Plan the Phenomenal Presentation

6 Steps Structured Approach to Plan the Phenomenal Presentation May 24, 2022 Have you ever faced projector issue, microphone issue, video getting stuck or speaker not working during presentation? Sometimes time is too short and other times people don’t pay attention, sometimes you are not comfortable other times you might have forgotten few details. I am […]
What is Imposter Syndrome, how to deal with it

What is Imposter Syndrome, how to deal with it May 24, 2022 In spite of your achievements in life, do you feel you have not earned it or you don’t deserve it or maybe you just got there by luck, maybe you belittle yourself or underrate medals you earned? It’s more common with people than […]
Why its important to understand Stress

Why its important to understand Stress May 24, 2022 Like many of us I have gone through stress on various occasions and know how it feels and impact life. What I learned from that experience is what I share with many through webinars, articles, coaching and mentoring. This article is the glimpse of some of the […]
Feel the Feelings

Feel the Feelings May 24, 2022 “Don’t Cry, we will buy you an ice cream for you if you stop crying”, “Brave girls/boys don’t cry, people will laugh at you, see everyone is already looking at you”, “If I laugh at a joke they may think I am not intelligent and mature enough”, “I must […]
What is the direction of motivation to improve performance

What is the direction of motivation to improve performance May 24, 2022 Why some teams perform better than others, why some people are more resilient and perform better in life? Motivation to perform is the major contributor in determining the outcome of the action. There are two types of motivation: “Away from” “Towards” Going AWAY […]
Top 5 Strategies to facilitate Effective Presentation

Top 5 Strategies to facilitate Effective Presentation May 24, 2022 Are you a professional and want to give an effective presentation or a fresher looking forward to present for the first time? If your answer is, here are my top 5 Strategies to facilitate Effective Presentation. Let’s get started. 1. 10 Minutes Rule – Did you ever […]
Develop Growth Mindset vocabulary

Develop Growth Mindset vocabulary May 24, 2022 Every spoken or heard word has an anchor associated with it in our mind which triggers our reaction or response. Frequently used words have a stronger anchor association. Words spoken and heard have a significant impression on designing our life. Words are triggers for the anchor which in […]
Three Precious Jewels- Reflection of my Life

Three Precious Jewels- Reflection of my Life May 24, 2022 With a new year around the corner, I was reflecting on how I could utilize the freedom of making choices, owning consequences that come with it, and evolve into a wiser self with each passing day. We learn so much when interacting with people from different […]
Your words matter as a Leader

Your words matter as a Leader May 24, 2022 Language is one of the most powerful tools that we humans use to connect, communicate and grow. Leaders persuade people to do great things in uncertain contexts, using only one tool: your words. As Aristotle explained 3 main traits of leadership language are Ethos, Pathos, Logos. Bring […]